Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I know that Derek tore up his contract with US Speedskating, but why isn't he getting his high altitude funding? The "Live High/Train Low" program is funded by the USOC - not US Speedskating. Therefore, Derek is entitled to his high altitude housing support. He lives high enough. Why isn't he getting this money?

Here is another discrepancy I see: Derek and Chad have no contract with USS, but their competition results are turned into the USOC to qualify US Speedskating for team funding. However, according to USS, neither Derek nor Chad are entitled to any benefits out of those that THEIR OWN RESULTS have earned for the team.

These two guys could fight for the benefits they should rightfully be getting, and they could win. But they may just be comfortable enough in their financial situations that they would rather not deal with the hassle during an Olympic season. That is why it's up to someone like me to bring up these points; it is up to someone who is NOT very comfortable.

Someone needs to make people aware of USS's unfair and dishonest practices in the distribution of funds to their athletes. The USOC should investigate, because their money is not ending up where it should.