Friday, April 01, 2005

Let's not use this Blog to bash my former agent!

Please. I have no hard feelings whatsoever towards Stephanie, though it is true that we are no longer working together. I think she did a lot for me this season, including setting up a great web site, and getting me some attention in the speedskating world.

I am trying very hard to turn things around for myself in my speedskating career. I want to be positive and do things right. Having my Blog be a site for bashing someone else is not what I have in mind, and if this kind of abuse continues I will shut The Protocol down.

This spring, I have been avoiding all speedskating-related things, including my Blog and my (former) web site, in the hopes of giving myself a mental break. I hope I won't have to be cleaning out the comments from my Blog every day.

As far as hiring an unlicensed agent goes, maybe the USOC and US Speedskating should take note of the lengths to which their athletes need to go in order to try to find some financial support. (Now, I will hope to set an example by exercising my own self-control and not saying any more about that.)